Information you need to provide to Exito Travel

To put together several flight options for you to choose from, your Exito Travel specialist will need to know some details about your preferred flights. Please be prepared to provide the following details: 

  • What tour and departure you’re traveling on 
  • What dates you’d like to fly (if you plan to extend your trip or visit additional destinations) 
  • How many people you need a flight quote for 
  • What airport you’d like to fly from to start the tour, and what airport you’d like to fly to at the end of the tour (these two airports do not need to be the same)
  • Any special requirements or requests (these can include your preferred airline, special meals, seats, and more!)


Once they know which flights you’d like to book, you’ll need to provide some additional details including the first and last names of all the people you are booking flights for (please make sure these names match what is in their passport!), which options you’d like (if several were provided), and any airline frequent traveler information you’d like to provide.