Group flight details

Many smarTours packages include optional airfare on a group flight departing the US. If you've booked our air-inclusive package, the Primary Booker on your reservation will receive an email notification with your flight ticket details once the tickets have been issued. Expect your flight itinerary to be confirmed and ticketed between 30-45 days before your trip.


In the meantime, please visit the "Before You Depart" page for your tour on the smarTours website


On this page, details are provided for the airport and time for the group's scheduled departure from the US, as well as for the arrival time of the return flight back to the US. This information is provided to assist you in booking any connecting flights if needed. Be sure to leave at least 4 hours between the arrival of your connecting flight and departure of the group flight in case of delays or schedule changes.


Keep in mind that the airline can still change flight schedules, even after you receive your ticket(s). For more information about schedule changes read more under the "Airline schedule changes" FAQ.